Apps and Games All PlatformsWin 3.x (7)Win32 (12) All Gfx Libraries3dfx (0)Direct3D (0)DirectDraw (4)GDI (14)OpenGL (0)WinG (1) Has Demo(20)Found 20 Results3-D Ultra Pinball: Creep NightYear: 1996Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoAbiWordYear: 2017Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoAge of EmpiresYear: 1997Platform: Win32Gfx Library: DirectDrawHas online demoCaesar IIIYear: 1998Platform: Win32Gfx Library: DirectDrawHas online demoCastle of the WindsYear: 1992Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: GDIHas online demoFull Tilt! PinballYear: 1995Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoKlotzYear: 1989Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: GDIHas online demoLanderYear: 1990Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: GDIHas online demoMarble DropYear: 1997Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoMicrosoft Return of ArcadeYear: 1996Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: WinGHas online demoMoraff’s SpherejonggYear: 1995Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: GDIHas online demoNetSurfYear: 2017Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoNorse by Norse West: The Return of the Lost VikingsYear: 1997Platform: Win32Gfx Library: DirectDrawHas online demoOutpost 2Year: 1997Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demoShih DaoYear: 1993Platform: Win 3.xGfx Library: GDIHas online demoSkiFreeYear: 2001Platform: Win32Gfx Library: GDIHas online demo